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Fighting for you and your family​

Once you have created a life here in the United States, the prospect of being deported is almost unimaginable. Unfortunately, for many the unimaginable becomes all too real. When it does, you had better find yourself an experienced immigration law attorney to fight for you.

At Dagher Khraizat Immigration Law Group, we understand the dire consequences a deportation presents for you and your family and we will do everything in our power to get you relief from removal. The process for deportation is extremely unpredictable. It can occur very quickly with little warning or time for preparation, or it can move very slowly.

Immigration proceedings before the immigration court can be very ridged in terms of appearances and if one does not understand the procedures and deadlines one may end up ordered removed.


Grounds for deportation


If you are in violation of immigration laws, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service can have you deported. Some of the most common grounds for deportation include visas that were obtained illegally or have expired, illegal entry into the country, commission of a criminal convictions, illegally obtained green cards and denial of citizenship during the course of being naturalized.




If returning to your home country means imprisonment, torture or execution, you may be eligible for asylum in the United States. In order to be granted asylum you must prove that returning to your country poses great danger to you because of your race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or political beliefs.


You have one year from your last entry into the United States to file for asylum. Your application can include your spouse and any unmarried children under the age of 21 who are also currently in the United States. Exceptions to the one-year rule include serious illness or a change in your country’s conditions. If you are granted asylum, you can live and work in the United States and are eligible for permanent residence after one year.


If asylum isn’t feasible


If you don’t qualify for asylum but still fear you will be tortured if you return to your homeland, you can apply to stay in the United States under the United Nations Convention Against Torture (CAT). It is more difficult to obtain than asylum, but is possible to obtain with the right attorney by your side.

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